Friday, January 13, 2012

Essential Questions

1.  Describe what's a blog.
 A blog is a personal site kind of like personal diary. You can express your ideas and opinions. You can view peoples ideas about several topics.

2. Explain the difference between a new blog and a new post.
 Creating a new blog is making whole other site, while a new post is a post on a current website.

3. Describe and give examples of a hyperlink.
  A hyperlink is a link that leads you to another site and opens up another browser.

4. List 2 ways to embed an image in a post.
   -Copy and paste
   -Add an image

5. What makes a successful presentation?
    -Your slide must be organized and colors must be chosen carefully so that they wont overlap each other.

6. List step by step how to upload a power point onto your blog.
   -Print screen then post it onto Paint, crop it and then save it as a JPEG. Go to your blog and click on add picture.

7. Give some examples of a simple machine.
  -Pulley, wheel, screw, wedge, lever.

8. Name some simple machines in your house.
   -Can opener, stapler, tissue roller.

9. What is a compound machine?
  - A machine that uses more than 1 simple machine.

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