Friday, January 20, 2012

Technology Power Point

 I have learned from the power point unit that a power point can make or break your presesntation. It can make your presentation that more interesting or even more dull. On the first page it is imperative that you state your name and the subject of your power pooint and to also make the title screen appealing. I learned that there are more features given to you that you can see upfront. You can choose from various templates to add to your power point. You can also highlight different text boxes to give it a better look. Also you can add different shapes to your power point to put text in. You can add different shapes to show direction and to help guide others through the presentation. You can change the color of the text to make words seem more alive. Lastly, you can change the theme of your powerpoint to make it seem fancier.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30 Facts

1. Power Point is a complete presentation graphics package.
2. The heart of your work Power Point involves creating presentations.
3. The title bar displays the name of the program.
4. The Standard Toolbar contains icons for some of the most commonly used commands.
5. Place holders contain formatting characteristics for items to be added
6. View buttons allow you to quickly switch between PowerPoint views
7.  Status Bar displays information about the number of slides in the show.
8. PowerPoint displays a slide containing placeholders which identify the
placement and location of the objects on the slide.
9. The Slide Sorter Pane displays thumbnail represntations of each slide in a presentation.
10. The Menu Bar displays a list of menus that you use to give commands to Power Point.
11.  The formatting toolbar contains buttons for the most commonly used formatting commands.
12. The Slide Pane displays the slides one at a time, as they will appear when they are printed or displayed in a presentation.
13. The Task Pane list commands that are relevant to whatever you're doing in PowerPoint/
14. PowerPoint displays a slide containing placeholders which identify the placement and location of objects on the slide.
15.  To open a new slide start Power Point and open the file you created in the last task
16. Choose new cslide from thr Insert Menu.
17. Click on the place holder to activate the slide.
18. Set the font, size, and color.
19.  Click in the placeholder for the bulleted list.
20.  You can also insert new cslides in between current slides.
21. To do this click new slide from the formatting tool bar.
22. Pictures are very important when creating a presentation.
23.  To add a picture, click on clip art.
24.  Choose a picture you want from the toolbar.
25.  You can change the size of a selected picture on a slide using the handles as well as rotate it's original position.
26.  Use Auto Shapes to create diagrams.
27.  Use the toolbar to select the shape of your diagram.
28.  Most people add templates before they start working on the presentation.
29. Click design to get to template toolbar.
30.  When you click the design of your choice all the slides will change.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Essential Questions

1.  Describe what's a blog.
 A blog is a personal site kind of like personal diary. You can express your ideas and opinions. You can view peoples ideas about several topics.

2. Explain the difference between a new blog and a new post.
 Creating a new blog is making whole other site, while a new post is a post on a current website.

3. Describe and give examples of a hyperlink.
  A hyperlink is a link that leads you to another site and opens up another browser.

4. List 2 ways to embed an image in a post.
   -Copy and paste
   -Add an image

5. What makes a successful presentation?
    -Your slide must be organized and colors must be chosen carefully so that they wont overlap each other.

6. List step by step how to upload a power point onto your blog.
   -Print screen then post it onto Paint, crop it and then save it as a JPEG. Go to your blog and click on add picture.

7. Give some examples of a simple machine.
  -Pulley, wheel, screw, wedge, lever.

8. Name some simple machines in your house.
   -Can opener, stapler, tissue roller.

9. What is a compound machine?
  - A machine that uses more than 1 simple machine.

My Experience Using A Blog

When I first started creating my blog, I was a little confused at first, but I got the hang of it. It's a good way to communicate and express your ideas. It's also a good way of teaching. It's better because of just sitting in a classroom writing on a peice of paper, you're using technology and students find it more entertaining. When writing a blog you have access to different websites for different information to help you with the topic of the blog. It's also very convenient for students because the teacher can give quick feed back. Also, I like blogging because typing is much faster than writing and your hand doesn't get tired. Also, it's interesting to see what others think about a certain topic or idea. It's a good way to see what's going on outside of your interests. Overall, I have discovered that blogging is a new found hobby of mine.


4 posts • 2 external Links
• 2 images • Background Design • 2 Comments
• Color Contrast—Font style/ Font Color
• Each post 10-15 sentences • Eastern Time Zone •Non-materials
must deleted

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I learned from the Good and Bad articles (Post 3)

 To have a good blog your back ground must not interrupt the text. Make sure that the text is a good font to be readable but not too big. Your blog must be easy to navigate through. Links must not be the same color as the background. Bad blogds have very small text. They have their paragraphs typed in all caps. They also have bad grammar. They have underlined text that is not a link. Lastly they have something that blinks.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog Post #2, Wind Turbine

 What I learned from the wind turbine is that there are many alternative energies than just natural gas, coal, and oil etc. The wind turbine uses wind to create kinetic energy and turns it into mechanical energy. The kinetic energy then goes to the generator to create electicity. Also, the wind turbine helps take away from pollution in the air by creating natural energy and not harming the environment. It compares to the technology sector because it helps produce items in manufacturing by providing the electricity. Wind turbines can be used to create large amount of energy. They don't really produce a lot when it's not a windy day though. You see wind turbines mostly in states like Texas, Iowa, and California. The wind turbine has many economical benefits. It's cheap and produces harm free energy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What I learned about blogging.

I learned that blogging is a way to express yourself. I also learned that it can be used to spread information on a variety of topics. It can spread news, gossip, and new ideas. You can share where you've been and places that you want to go. You can also voice your opinion on your blog. You can put what you want and people will see it. You can influence different people and gain knowledge on your own. When you blog, people can give you feedback on your blog. It's a good way to learn what other people think about a common subject that you all share. Lastly, blogging is fun and can pass time.